
October 2024 New paper published in BMC Primary Care exploring the variable response to the CHANGE lifestyle program for metabolic syndrome. Results suggest adherence to diet and exercise DID NOT account for the differences among people who completed the year-long study. See section on Cardiometabolic Risk for access to paper.
Purpose and Organization
This website brings the research papers and tools my colleagues and I have developed or published into one convenient location. The content is organized by the themes below. The dropdown menu tabs at the top of the page list subtopics with at least one paper or product. The works are listed once and organized by year, from oldest to newest. Feel free to contact me ( to obtain a personal copy, if access is a problem.

Primary Care
The expansion of team-based primary care has meant new opportunities and need for implementation research on nutrition services.

Cardiometabolic Risk
Cardiometabolic risk conditions Include various combinations of hypertension, dyslipidemia, high waist circumference and elevated blood glucose (including metabolic syndrome and pre-diabetes). Prevalence is increasing rapidly in Canada. Diet and increased exercise can improve metabolic dysfunction and reduce the need for medication.